クラシック名画シアターVOL4 マクリントック+黄金の腕 [DVD]

クラシック名画シアターVOL4 マクリントック+黄金の腕 [DVD]
クラシック名画シアターVOL4 マクリントック+黄金の腕 [DVD]

ジャンル:ミュージック クラシックDVD 洋楽 音楽
人気ランキング:114230 位
参考価格:¥ 1,029 (消費税込)

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Love in the Country

I can not guarantee the media quality as there is too many bad and mediocre versions floating around and Amazon mixes media reviews. I reserve the star system for the movie as this review may be used for different media.

George Washington McLintock (John Wayne) is one of the founding ranchers in the territory. He has many issues to deal with in a John Wayne fashion. These include dealing with new homesteaders, dealing with displaced Indians, and dealing with his estranged family (Maureen O'Hara and Stephanie Powers) returning for the Fourth of July celebration.

The movie its self is top notch FIVE STAR. John Wayne used most of his standard crew (can be seen in other John Wayne movies) and that formula plot that makes his movies great. The mud fight is one of the best parts. See him again in The Quiet Man (1952)


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